As featured in
The New Zealand Listener & Sussex Life magazines

C r e a t e d b y
Activity 1: making a yarn wand
I would encourage anyone who wants to make a yarn stick to go out in nature and find their own stick(s), which will enrich the creative process.
You will need yarn/wool and glue. Cut the yarn in lengths of between 1-3 feet.

Idea from Rebecca Dunn.

Activity 2: a woven piece
This is a wonderful example of a semi-woven piece of art by Lynn Holland, using an assortment of bits and pieces or 'found objects'. All sorts of 'rubbish' can be used to create 2D and 3D art.

Activity 5: coat hanger weaving
1. Bend hanger into a circular shape.
2. Tie a piece of yarn accross the middle of the circle.
3. Tie another piece of yarn perpendicular to the first and continue until you are left with 16 segments.
4. Tie one piece of string from the centre, splitting one of the segments, to make an odd number of segments.

5. To begin weaving, cut a piece of yarn (as long as you wish) and tie it to the centre of the loom, where all of the yarn came together. Start weaving under and over the yarn "spokes" in a circular pattern.
6. When the yarn runs out, tie another one on to the end and continue weaving. Continue in this fashion until you get closer to the edge. You can make this as large as you'd like. To finish it off, tie the tail of the yarn to one of the spokes. Hang and enjoy!

Idea from Denise Pannell.
Activity 6: 'Sunburst'
To make your own version of this beautiful piece wet yarn with glue, arrange on wax paper, allow to dry.

Art piece called 'Sunburst' by Elaine Carstairs.

Activity 4: weaving with lolly sticks
1. Start by forming a cross with two lollipop sticks and then wind string around the middle to form a cross to bind the sticks together.
2. You should be able to continue winding your thread from the centre, outwards as above and change colours by tying a new piece of thread to the old one if you like.
You could also try this with thin ribbon that you use for wrapping presents, raffa, and/or twine, for instance.
Idea by Mark Warner.