As featured in
The New Zealand Listener & Sussex Life magazines

C r e a t e d b y

Via LinkedIn
"Thanks, Richard. The work you are doing looks awesome."
Emma Hawkes (17/03/18)
"Thanks for connecting and sharing your C4W site - it’s terrific and gave me lots of great art therapy ideas!"
Shannon Flynn Lewes, LCPAT (19/03/18)
"Wonderful site, Richard, and a wonderful idea. We can all benefit."
Carol Bradley Bursack (26/03/18)
Via Facebook
"What a fabulous extensive resource and gift. Thank you. So pleased to meet you today at Newhaven community 'Fish Festival' event. I will be in touch. Love & light Hayley."
Saoirse O'Shea
"Such a wonderful resource and expression of love. I am a Textile Artist and tutor looking for ways to extend how and what I have to offer into the community and this is wonderful."
Catherine Lawes (Textile Artist)
"Awesome Richard, great resource - so generous of you to make it freely available. Thank you."
Melissa Stokes (08/04/18)
Supervisor at Dept. for Child Protection, South Australia
"Hello, Richard! Nice to meet you. I looked through your website. I think it is a very important thing you are doing. The sociological organization I'm working for is going to study the factors of subjective well-being of Russian population, so your website is a kind of an inspiration for me."
Natalia Gashenina (04/05/18)
Research Analyst,Higher School of Economics, Moscow
"Thanks for connecting Richard! You are doing very inspiring and important work. All the best. Sarah."
Sarah Bingle (10/05/18)
The University of Melbourne Indigenous Health and Equity Unit, Australia
"Hi Richard, what a beautiful and generous gift. Thank you."
Cassy Nunan PhD (10/05/18)
Wellways Australia