As featured in
The New Zealand Listener & Sussex Life magazines

C r e a t e d b y

C4W is a free art resource site created by Richard K Potter for everyone - parents, facilitators and groups. C4W is designed to encourage creativity in the community,
co-production and purposful activity for health and wellbeing and to create a sense of belonging.
The aim of this site is to share ideas and make it easier for people to start their own activity group or art workshop in their community, to benefit others.
The need for creativity in our lives
If we can let go of all the beliefs we have that art is ‘this' or ‘that’, we can start to embrace it for ourselves and enjoy creating it with others. Art is universal and there are a great many art forms and means of creative self-expression for people to find their own sense of accomplishment and self-esteem.
Creativity can also help the healing process and increase our sense of wellbeing, which underpins C4W.

Richard K. Potter

Why C4W?
Through my own life experiences I have come to believe that creativity forms a vital part of self-development, the discovery of 'meaning' and the sense of kinship and belonging.
I am currently a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Brighton in Narrative Writing and I facilitate art workshops (with journaling) in the community for young carers, people with Alzheimer's and for those with mental health needs.
I am now looking to work in partnership with the NHS, healthcare provider or social enterprise to develop a series of workshops (both creative writing and art) that can be used by facilitators and peer groups to facilitate recovery, promote wellbeing and build resilience.
This preventative, holistic approach to wellbeing will, in the longer term, save the NHS money and help to expand our view of health beyond the bio-medical model.
With that in mind I sincerely hope that it can make a difference to you and your community. Have fun and pass it on!
I would like to say a big thank you to the artists and makers who have given me permission to use their art and wonderful ideas to 'pass it forward' and inspire others.
I will always try to obtain permission and accredit the idea and/or piece(s) of art.

Can't draw? Use C4W!
Some people think that they can't do art because they can't draw. What they may have forgotten is that art is so much more than just drawing! Thinking creatively is the key and creativity can be enjoyed in so many ways. Here are some examples below:

Batik ● printmaking ● sculpture ● painting ● photography ● ceramics ● textiles ● mosaics ● journaling ● collage ● and so on...
So have fun and try different things!
'Art': so many possibilities:

Help me help you


Aims of C4W

To encourage creativity for wellbeing

To encourage purposeful activity

To facilitate recovery, resilience and fun!

To promote social inclusion

To promote community involvement

I am looking to work with the NHS or healthcare provider to design a series of art and/or creative writing workshops with real gravitas that utilise journaling to build resilience and make a difference to people, moving forwards. Please e-mail me at richardkpotter@yahoo.co.uk if you are interested!
'Calling all Stations...'

Art for public places

- A Donation -
Task Brasil
If you have enjoyed using this site and can manage a donation could you make it to this amazing charity? Thank you.
Website: www.taskbrasil.org.uk.
How can we encourage more art groups?
You could set one up at the local library,
community centre/hall or one that members could pay a weekly subscription for to cover the cost of the space.
*Money could be raised by having a cake stall at a local community event.